Standing Seam Metal Roofing Types:

When searching for the best type of metal roof panels, there are pros and cons to it. While the decision to use standing seam might be an easy one, which type of standing seam metal roofing to use might require a bit more consideration.

Three different types of standing seam metal panels are available to choose from, along with different types of stiffening ribs or striations that can be included.

What does standing seam metal roof look like?

Standing seam metal roofing is sheet metal that has a flat appearance that can be seen in the center and vertical ribs at the panel edges. The most weather-tight metal roofing system is attached with concealed fastenings.

Standing Seam Metal Roof

What Are The Types Of Metal Roof Panels?

These are three types of standing seam roof systems:

Snap Lock Metal Roofing Panels

Snap Lock, Mechanically Seamed, Nail Strip/ Nail Flange Snap Lock Roofing With Clips The snap lock standing seam roof system consists of panels with a male and female leg that snap together.

These panels are fastened to the roof using clips. A snap lock standing seam is the most popular type of roofing.

When you consider the performance of the panel, cost, and easier installation than some of the other standing seam panels, snap lock metal roofing panels seem to be the best all-around standing seam solution.

Snap Lock Metal Roofing Panel

Mechanically Seamed Metal Roofing Panels

The panels are mechanically seamed with clips that line up with one another to be locked together by a mechanical roof seamer or hand seamer. A single lock vs. mechanically seamed metal roofing. When seamed together, Double Lock panels can use either a single lock system or double lock system.

A double lock is when the seams of the panel are folded twice (180 degrees) and a single lock is when the panels are folded once 90 degrees. More often, double lock systems are used. They have a better performance than a single lock system and are more secure.

Mechanically Seamed Metal Roofing Panel

Nail Strip/Clipless Metal Roofing Panel

Nail strip, also known as nail flange, is the simplest roofing system with the easiest installation. It’s the best choice for residential projects where speed and ease of installation are important.

Clipless/Nail-Strip Metal Roofing Panel

The male side has a flange with slots are 6 inches apart and fastened directly to the roof deck, eliminating the need for clips. The female leg of the panel snaps over when it is fastened. Residential standing seam roofing jobs often use nail strip panels because they are the least expensive and easy to install. Check with your metal roofing manufacturer for pricing information.